Title: golden ladder reaching down Character: Regulus Rating: PG-13 Summary: happy enough for Patronus. Notes: title from Johnny Cash’s When the Man Comes Around. I am so sorry.
Title: delay like hours ticking by Pairing: Andromeda/Ted Rating: PG-13 Summary: Andromeda doesn't consider it a sacrifice. Notes: for the doomed ships comment ficathon, prompt "i will follow you into the dark".
The bad news are that I can't go on holidays, my computer crashed, and the USB devices that miraculously held several dozens of thousand words of written words have been infected by some virus which means that said fics cannot be posted on this computer. I am not having my best fandom summer ever
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Title: What She Has Left Author: runespoor7 Prompt: 084 - He Characters/Pairings: Andromeda, Ted (Andromeda/Ted) Rating: NC-17 Words: 2300 Summary: when Andromeda left the family, the Blacks did something a little more radical than damaging an old tapestry. Warnings: extreme dub-con/non-con. Triggery.